
Hello, my name is Rona Faison.  I’m a Certified

Human Design Specialist, Astrologist & Gene Keys Guide.  Nice to meet you!

If I had to come up with two words to describe myself I would say that I am a Structured Mystic

I am a contradiction of sorts

I am 

Fixed but fluid

Incredibly corporate but a hippie just the same

Introverted but you can’t shut me up about the things I love

I am an uplifter

A bringer of love for myself and those I meet

I breathe compassion and understanding

Chocking at times (ok a lot) along the way

I find the best in you 

celebrate it

enliven it 

and bring it to the forefront of your being

I am a cross between logic and magic

I believe in structured flow

Systems with flexibility

I am a teacher more than a leader

A seeker even more 

with an unquenchable thirst for learning

Never met a book I didn’t adore

I love sushi though I live in the heart of Texas

I am a mother 

Seeking freedom from domestication

I am an undercover poet

A manifesting magician

I am wild desire refined

And disciplined sophistication

I can’t live without my crystals

I love spreadsheets & natal charts

Statistics and tarot cards

I meditate, and I know things

I am love and a work in progress

I’ve worked in corporate consulting, planning, and analytics for over 20 years. I’ve led large and small teams, and my greatest delight throughout it all is identifying someone’s superpower and enabling them to thrive because of it. I’ve been structured during my career, it’s a trait I value, but I leave room for serendipity because I appreciate it just as much.

When I found Human Design, I quickly started to understand how this powerful tool could assist individuals and teams. I started experimenting with body graphs, composite charts, and Penta Chemistry (group dynamics) with my team. Becoming aware of my team’s type, strategy, authority, and individual strengths helped transform our team dynamics. I was able to restructure and align based on this insight allowing for higher job satisfaction and engagement within the team. Understanding each person’s unique Human Design permitted them to be seen and valued. This ultimately boosted the overall performance of the group.

I am a fan of systems and scientific methods. I also slant heavily toward spirituality and mysticism. My work is a hybrid, a combination of science and mysticism - systems with a bit of built-in magic.  

I work with the following systems and methodologies:

  • Astrology

  • Human Design

  • Gene Keys

  • Tarot

  • Energy Alignment

Each tool is used to assist you in designing your life, your business, and your relationships more abundantly. Abundance takes many forms - time with family, freedom, health, wealth, love, and so much more. You decide what abundance you want to create for yourself, and we at DNA help you build the roadmap to get there.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.