Pisces Astrology, Moon Tarot and Human Design Gate 55


Happy Birthday 🎁 Pisces ♓! We transition into Pisces season on Friday, 2/19. ⁠

⁠I'll start by admitting I'm partial to this sign. It is one of my favorites! Pisces is the spiritual, compassionate, creative of the zodiac. They may sometimes come across as romantic dreamers but are wise and willing to share their wisdom with anyone seeking it.⁠

⁠In Tarot terms, Pisces is represented by the moon. Pisces is a Water sign and aligns with the emotional depth presented by the Moon card. The Moon card is about faith in whatever way that applies to you. ⁠

⁠The imagery of the card shows beings looking up to the moon for insight. The waves are crashing, and there are tall towers to the right and left, indicating it may be a rough time. Nevertheless, it encourages you to trust the wisdom of your faith or your spirit.⁠

⁠Neptune, Pisces ruling planet, is represented by the Hanged Man. This card calls us into a suspended state. We are invited to surrender - transitioning from our Ego to our soul. ⁠

⁠From a Human Design perspective, the sun transitions into gate 55. This gate is part of the emotional solar plexus center, which of course, rules our emotions. There are many unique attributes of this gate. However, the aspect most aligned with the energy we are moving into is the call to utilize our emotions' creative power. Can we trust in source? Can we accept that we are always abundantly provided for?⁠

⁠Contemplation: Do you trust in the abundance of your emotional creativity? How can you strengthen your connection to source?⁠

Much ❤️,⁠



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Human Design First Quarter - Quarter of Possibility